Global Warming Facts

Global warming is a real and undeniable threat to nature, wildlife and ourselves

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Thus far, scientists have identified Carbon Dioxide as the leading culprit in global warming. Carbon Dioxide is a naturally occurring chemical compound that is composed of two oxygen atoms that are covalently bonded to a single carbon atom.

It exists in Earths atmosphere, the breathing of humans and animals, volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, deep under the sea, and among oil and gas deposits. How most people know of Carbon Dioxide however is through its creation from the combustion of coal and hydrocarbons, which is where the demonization of such a common chemical began. Especially considering we as humans produce an intense amount of this on a daily basis.

As a result of this extreme increase in carbon dioxide production, there have been a number of noticeable changes on Earth. So without further ado, here are 10 of the most noticeable changes due to Carbon Dioxide increasing the affects of global warming.

#1. The U.S produces 20% of the Carbon Dioxide emissions worldwide: The world’s population is a bit more than 7 Billion. The population of the U.S is almost 315 Million. So the U.S has around 4.5% of the world’s total population, yet we make up 20% of the worlds Carbon Dioxide emissions.

#2. Since 1990, Carbon Dioxide emissions have increased by 20%: The majority of this increase in Carbon Dioxide emission is due to humans, though some of it is produced naturally on earth as discussed above. The increase is likely due to countries becoming developed, more automobiles being sold and used worldwide, and developed countries developing further.

#3. Carbon Dioxide takes a century to disperse in the atmosphere: It takes a long time, nearly 100 years, for Carbon Dioxide to disperse from the atmosphere. So mostly everything we see being created today will last well beyond our lifetime. Thus the more carbon dioxide added, the more compounded the problem becomes in the future.

#4. In the 20th Century, the average temperature on Earth increased .2 degrees Fahrenheit: From 1901 to 2000, there was a .2-degree change in the average temperature on Earth. What this shows is the building up to the point we are currently in, which becomes noticeable once you read the next few points.

#5. 8 of the hottest 10 years on record have occurred since 2000: Ever since man began keeping track of the global temperature, so far in the 21st century, man has witnessed 8 of the hottest 10 years on record. Not only is surprising we would witness such a thing, but that we witnessed it in such a short period of time.

#6. Global Warming causes more than high temperatures: There are various environmental considerations which global warming is believed to cause. As would be expected, drought is one them, which comes about when high temperatures prevent rain from collecting. Oddly, on the other end of the spectrum, extreme rainfall can occur which can flood populated areas and farmland.

#7. Sea levels have risen up to 8 inches across the world. Over the next 100 years, sea levels are likely to rise more than 2 feet. This will be due to the thermal expansion of the ocean and from melting glaciers and ice sheets. This can cause terrible problems for costal cities and towns.

#8. Global warming is claimed to cause 150,000 human deaths a year: Global warming is not solely a danger for people in the future, it currently adversely affects people every year. This is caused by extreme weather, including drought, heat waves, food availability and an increase in deadly diseases such as malaria. As global warming becomes worse, the death toll will as well.

#9. Coral reefs are severely affected by global warming and water temperature: Coral Reefs are extremely sensitive to the temperature of the water. As expected, global warming changes that temperature, and though it may not be great, not much is needed to harm the coral.

#10. Various species have begun migrating north to escape higher temperature: Such animals include the Comma Butterfly and Cetti’s Warbler. As our planet changes, and becomes less habitable in places for certain species, some manage to survive by adapting, while others perish being unable themselves.


The author of this article is Damien S. Wilhelmi. If you enjoyed this piece you can follow me on twitter @JakabokBotch. There is a tipping point for Global Warming, and one we shouldn’t wish to reach. If you are worried about your company’s emissions, contact to view the various NOx Emissions Reduction products available.

About Kevin J Railsabck

Award-winning filmmaker Kevin J Railsback has traveled as far as Africa to test HD cameras for Panasonic.
His stunning nature and wildlife footage has appeared in productions on National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel as well as in commercials for such corporate giants as AT&T.

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